Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)
Chevron Federal Credit Union and Allied Solutions provide our members the opportunity to protect their vehicle purchase with Guaranteed Asset Protection Advantage, or GAP Advantage. In most cases, vehicle
values depreciate as soon as they are driven off the lot. That means within a short period of time, the market value of your vehicle may be lower than what you owe on your auto loan. In the event of an incident resulting in total loss or unrecovered
theft of your vehicle, most insurance companies will only pay the Actual Cash Value (ACV). This could leave you with a significant balance of the remaining auto loan balance.
For example, if your loan balance is $15,000 but your insurance company will only pay $13,000 for a total loss, GAP will pay the $2,000 difference.
As part of this voluntary, non-insurance plan with Allied Solutions, Chevron Federal Credit Union members may be eligible for a $1,000 finance credit toward the purchase of a new vehicle following a GAP Advantage covered event.